The Change Process

Within a person-centered approach, we provide cognitive therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy. In Cognitive Therapy, we examine your core beliefs - what you believe about yourself deep inside - and how these beliefs cloud your thinking. As your thoughts impact your emotions, and your emotions drive your behaviors, therapy is life-changing. In psychodynamic psychotherapy, we examine past trauma and life experience to discover how they may impact how you see yourself today.

We will work to resolve the mental health problems you are struggling with, such as depression and anxiety. In therapy, we will focus on increasing your feelings of self-worth and on how To set healthy personal boundaries. In life coaching, we work to identify what is blocking you from reaching your Life goals. In marriage counseling and couples counseling, we help you to speak and hear each other openly. we will work on removing what is preventing you from living a happier, more satisfying Life.



From the blog

On Marriage counseling - “Rebuilding your marriage requires a commitment to repairing a broken friendship and learning to listen to your partner. Are you both ready to commit to therapy and fixing your relationship?”

On building self-worth - “When your sense of self-worth IS dependent on things outside of yourself, such as financial success, your sense of self becomes unstable. this is called co-dependence and can be resolved in therapy. You can’t control what happens outside of yourself or the behavior of others, so Don’t define yourself by them.”